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1 pound tall cakebox

1 pound tall cakebox
1 pound tall cakebox
1 pound tall cakebox
1 pound tall cakebox

1 pound tall cakebox

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Product Code0101124
Package10 pc./pack
Size20.3x20.3x25 cm.
Detail1-Pound Cake Box, White, V-Chef Window Size Width 20.3 x Length 20.3 x Height 25 cm. 10 pcs/pack
Available979 pack
 Price 230.00 THB/pack
Product Details

1-Pound Cake Box, White, V-Chef Window, 20.5x20.5x16 cm.

1 Pound Box, V Chef window Show more products inside

Made of good quality paper with FDA food grade certificate, safe to use in contact with food.

Size: width 20.5 x length 20.5 x height 16 cm. Each pack contains 10 pieces/color

Tall cake box, white house shape, size 20.3x20.3x25 cm. Can hold various types of cakes or various gifts such as clay sculptures, towels.  Tall house style cake box V-shaped window Can show wider products inside You can see the cake face clearly. Suitable for tall cakes such as princess cakes, incense stick cakes, money pulling cakes, etc. or can be adapted to put in other products. To add value, such as adding clay sculptures Light weight craft artificial flowers, etc. Packaging for food, bakery and SME products. Over 3,000 products under the Boxjourney brand have passed GHPs and ISO9001:2015 certification. International level, with modern production processes, clean and safe, through inspection at every step. Comes with services that reach every need, whether it's one of the household equipment or a business from small to industrial scale. With free delivery service, no minimum. 4-hour express delivery service that supports peak hours of product demand There are 4 storefronts serving you. To allow customers to visit and bring products or various creative ideas Let's try to expand. To help calculate costs and see images of product styles that can indicate the uniqueness of the customer's brand Or if the customer already has a packaging idea? But still can't find the product you want. We have a service to produce pieces as designed by customers with no minimum quantity. There are also many channels for customers to follow or order products, including the website, facebook, Line@, and online shopping platforms LAZADA, Shopee.

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