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square corner box 11.1x20.6x5.9 cm #1328

square corner box 11.1x20.6x5.9 cm #1328
square corner box 11.1x20.6x5.9 cm #1328
square corner box 11.1x20.6x5.9 cm #1328

square corner box 11.1x20.6x5.9 cm #1328

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Product Code1902032
Package6 pc./pack
SizeWidth 11.1x Length 20.6x Height 5.9 cm.
Detailsquare corner box 11.1x20.6x5.9 cm #1328 Width 11.1x Length 20.6x Height 5.9 cm. 6 pieces per pack
Available26 pack
 Price 200.00 THB/pack
Product Details

square corner box 11.1x20.6x5.9 cm #1328

Width 11.1x Length 20.6x Height 5.9 cm.
6 pieces per pack


Can put cookies, biscuits, chewy butter bread and tie a bow as a New Year's gift. clear plastic box can see the product inside and can stick your own brand stickers Packing size 900 ml.



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