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hamburger wrapping paper 12x12 inches white ( waterproof coated )

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hamburger wrapping paper 12x12 inches white ( waterproof coated )
hamburger wrapping paper 12x12 inches white ( waterproof coated )

hamburger wrapping paper 12x12 inches white ( waterproof coated )

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Product Code1001073
Package100 pc./pack
Size31x31 cm (12x12 inches)
Detailhamburger wrapping paper 12x12 inches white ( waterproof coated ) Size 12 x 12 inches
Available248 pack
 Price 115.00 103.50 THB/pack
Product Details

hamburger wrapping paper 12x12 inches white ( waterproof coated )

Size 31x31 cm. (12x12 inches)
100 pieces per pack

Good thick paper and waterproof coated on 1 side.

Hamburger Wrapping Paper food wrap It is safe to use as a food supporter or to wrap snacks.
Medium oil resistance (It seeps into the bottom, causing it to become oily slower than normal paper.)
The product is suitable for
Hamburger wrap, food wrap, fried food, sushi, general food
Pastry, bakery of all kinds

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