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Brownie boxes, be rich 01 design

Brownie boxes, be rich 01 design
Brownie boxes, be rich 01 design
Brownie boxes, be rich 01 design
Brownie boxes, be rich 01 design

Brownie boxes, be rich 01 design

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Product Code0104162
Package20 pc./pack
Sizew 15x h 15 x 4 cm
DetailBrownie boxes, be rich 01 design Size 15x15x4 cm. Contains 20 pieces
Available195 pack
 Price 100.00 THB/pack
Product Details

Brownie boxes, be rich 01 design 15x15x4 cm. White Paysave Size 15x15x4 cm. Contains 20 pieces/pack Suitable for brownies, spring snacks, gifts, souvenirs, jewelry Suitable for filling brownies size 5 x 7 centimeters, 6 pieces.


Brownie box, be rich design 01, red, size: width 15 x length 15 x height 4 cm, 20 pieces/pack, made from food grade paper, clean and safe, can be decorated with box straps, stickers, festival labels or ribbons beautiful box More appetizing food
Boxjourney sells packaging for food, bakery and SME products that are certified with GHPs and ISO9001:2015 standards, suitable for both food and product packaging. that want to be clean, safe, or stores that want to resell to increase profits, beautiful cake boxes, good prices, can be bought at Boxjourney, free shipping!! No minimum!!!

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